We offer MagRAM (Magnetic Radar Absorbing Materials) in many different and versatile formats. These RF absorbents offer passive RF control. Whether you require a film, sheet, paint-like coating or powder we have a product to meet your needs.
• MAS-200 series Our MAS-200 products are thin, flexible resonant absorber tiles which are available for frequencies within the 0.9 GHz to 16.0 GHz frequencies range. Made of urethane (MAS-210) or silicone (MAS- 220) resins, they are formulated using custom magnetic active fillers.
• MAS-300 series are microwave absorbers in very thin sheet format made of polyurethane (MAS-310), which has excellent mechanical and bonding properties, or silicone (MAS- 320), for maximum service temperature range. Both are available with or without a peel-and-stick backing (PSA) and/or integral ground plane (GP). They can be die cut on a custom basis. MAS-310 is available in roll format as well.
• MF-400 Series Powders are carbonyl iron (MF-400 Type C), iron silicide (MF-401 Type S) and iron chrome silicide (MF-402 Type CR) RF absorbing powders that can be compounded or dispersed to provide microwave attenuation.
• MF-500 Urethane RF Absorbing Coating is a coated carbonyl iron-based paint in a proprietary urethane acrylic resin. It has a durable abrasion-resistant finish and is stable in hot and cold environments. A marine grade is also available. It can be either brushed rolled, or spray applied.
• RF Absorbing Parts & Prototyping Service We offer RF absorbers incorporated into a number of different resins. Using them, we can create parts of diverse shapes to control RFI in your unique application.
Data Sheets:
Tuned MagRAM tiles
MagRAM sheets and rolls
MF-401 Type S
MagRAM in powder format
MF-402 Type CR
MagRAM in powder format
Urethane RF Absorbing coating
Parts Prototyping
RF Absorbing plastic IC cover
MagRAM in the format that meets your needs
These EMC absorbing materials are used to minimize crosstalk and interference in analog and digital applications across many industries. Our RF absorbing materials can be used to reduce RF noise and for RF signal suppression.
They destroy microwave surface and creeping waves, reduce cavity resonance, and are also useful in reducing RF coupling of antennas and microwave components.